Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Recovery Time in Portland

Farm Boy is gonna hit Timberline in a couple of days. I (Splints) will be hitting the trail once more to finish up all of Washington. Our Dad (no trailname yet, I'm guessing it'll be Gramps or Slow Poke) will be hiking from Timberline to Cascade Locks with us.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Crater Lake National Park, Oregon

Made it to the Oregon border. Joel is off the trail for a brief moment. The shoes I bought in Ashland were destroying my feet and I'm resting my emaciated body. Jeremy is still on and making his way through Oregon.

Almost to Crater Lake National Park
Food boxes & Good Seed Peace Bombs from our sponsor!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Trail Images

Wrightwood to Halfway Point - 142 images

Farm Boy wants YOU!

Halfway point just south of Mt Lassen, California

I have the camera, correct cord, and pictures to post... but the computer has too much outdated software and an admin password blocking me from updating said outdated software. Damn you technology! We hit the halfway point yesterday and I have tons of pictures to upload... you'll see them soon! We're celebrating the halfway point by going bowling.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sierra City, California

We're in Sierra City, staying at a trail angel house and eating four dollar all-you-can-eat pancakes. We beat our old record with 30 miles in one day (a couple of times, actually).

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bridgeport, California

1,000 miles and counting, guys. Done with the Sierras and onto Desolation Wilderness, then into the desert once again. We're in Bridgeport living the hiker trash life, eating Jolly Cone burgers and sleeping in a trailer, having hot pockets for dinner.